A Personal Quarterly Review

It seems I still have some corporate habits kicking about despite it being almost 6 months (!!!) since I branched out on my own.

So, I figured the advent of April and of Spring would be the perfect time to reflect on ~gestures to the room at large~ things. Let’s use the categories under which I created my 2024 vision board to review my outlook for the year and what, if anything, can be improved upon as we move into Spring and Summer.

Health and Fitness

My fitness routine has changed dramatically over the last few months. Towards the end of 2023, I took a break from martial arts training, formerly my main keep-fit hobby. Rather than longing to return, I’ve found myself content leaving it in the past for now. Instead, I’ve enjoyed a return to the weightlifting and yoga routine of my early twenties, and have even started running over the last few weeks (woman nears 30, starts running. Groundbreaking. Never seen before).

However, I’ll admit I’ve not been the most consistent with my new routine thus far. Now that I’ve settled on the activities I want to continue with, over the next few months I’ll focus on developing a consistent exercise routine among my work and hobbies.

Now that I spend less time commuting and more time at home, I’m relishing putting more thought and effort into what I eat and making hearty, home-cooked meals — a far cry from the quick fixes I used to opt for at the ends of long days. I’m looking forward to experimenting with more new recipes as the months go on.

Travel and New Experiences

I’m a sunshine seeker, so I’m not too upset that there’s not much to report here. However, while much of my Winter has been spent hibernating, I have been able to get out on some wintery walks and day trips. I’ve also made the effort to explore some local spots that I hadn’t given thought to before, opening up a new world of new places right on my doorstep — this post itself is being drafted in a new-to-me café, just a 15-minute walk from my front door!

As the weather continues to improve I have some exciting travels and events lined up which I can’t wait to share with you!

Career Development

I’m proud to have developed a small but loyal client base since the start of the year. For now, they keep me living comfortably, if with a little less disposable income than I once had.

I still have a way to go to return to the level of financial security I had with a full-time role, so for the next quarter I’ll be continuing to focus on growth. I have availability for new copywriting and social media clients, and I also want to spend some time researching and implementing ways of further diversifying my income, so that I’m never dependent on one stream.

Self-Love and Creativity

Over the Winter months, I’ve been practising self-love by allowing myself to embrace and enjoy my little homebody hobbies without fear of judgements — reading, journaling, jigsaw puzzles and video games have been staples of 2024 so far.

My creative mindset has continued to develop, but occasionally feels stunted by the old habits that tell me I need to create something profitable for it to be worth my time. So, going forward I’ll be taking extra care to create for creation’s sake — even when it’s for my blog or social media, I’ll be producing the things that I want to share with the world, not what I think the world wants to see.

How has the first quarter of 2024 been for you?


Finding Inspiration in the Mundane


March 2024 Reading Roundup | Non-Fiction