29 Reflections on Turning 29

Laura sits on a wall beneath a wooden arch in Hvar, Croatia

Yesterday was my 29th birthday.

With it being the last birthday of my twenties, it’s given me more pause to reflect than most years, and I’ve taken the opportunity to start thinking about how I want so spend the next year before entering the next decade of my life.

So, here are some of the reflections I’ve written down this week — the lessons I’ve learned over the last 29 years and the philosophies I want to take with me into my next chapter.

  1. It’s only cringe if you let it be cringe. Take up that niche hobby. Post that TikTok. Anyone who thinks you’re embarrassing yourself isn’t worth your energy.

  2. Life only gets shorter. Live in the here and now, there’s no use wishing the days away.

  3. A small, trusted circle is more than enough.

  4. There’s more to life than working. I’m not saying everyone is in a position to up and quit, but make sure you’re prioritising you.

  5. Aging is a privilege not afforded to everybody. Stop using your limited time to worry about wrinkles or grey hairs.

  6. It’s okay not to have a plan. Plenty of people thrive despite not knowing what they want to be doing in 10, 5 or even 2 years.

  7. Everyone — everyone — is also making it all up as they go along.

  8. The echo chamber limits your potential. Get out of your comfort zone and diversify your world view.

  9. A partner should add to your life. You should each be whole & complete people individually, rather than two halves coming together.

  10. Love what you love, unapologetically. I spent too many years hiding the fact I love video games, Dungeons & Dragons, and fantasy novels because I thought they were perceived as childish hobbies. Don’t be ashamed of the things that bring you joy; you are the only person who can dictate whether you feel embarrassed.

  11. Being alone ≠ loneliness. Go on solo cinema trips. Read in a café. Have a Friday night in to yourself. some of my best ideas take root when I allow myself time alone with my thoughts.

  12. FOMO is almost never worth it.

  13. Go outside. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes a day, feeling the sun, the wind, or even the rain on your face makes a world of difference.

  14. Life has no time limits. There’s no use comparing your path to that of your peers. Everyone is on their own timeline, and there’s no cap on when you can achieve your goals. Quit thinking you’re too old to try a new hobby or experience something new.

  15. Stop worrying what your parents think. Yes, they want what’s best for you, but not only did they grow up in a completely different generation, they’re also not you.

  16. Get enough sleep. It might seem like more sleep means missing out on precious time, but being well-rested means you’ll get so much more out of those waking hours.

  17. Drink more water. Then some more.

  18. You don’t need to stay in other peoples’ boxes. Find the systems and routines that work for you.

  19. “Comparison is the thief of joy” — it’s a cliché because it’s true.

  20. You probably don’t need that shiny new gadget. Especially if you didn’t even know it existed 20 minutes ago.

  21. Invest in experiences. In 50 years, your collection of memories will be infinitely more valuable than your collection of things.

  22. Never stop learning. There’s a whole world of knowledge out there; I don’t know about you, but I want to absorb as much of it as possible before my time is up.

  23. Believe in the goodness of people. It’s out there, in more abundance than you might think.

  24. Nerves are good. They mean you care.

  25. Trust your gut instinct. It’s usually onto something.

  26. Curate your feed. Unfollow any accounts that do nothing but make you feel worse about yourself.

  27. You don’t necessarily need to love your body. But you can at least try to stop hating it.

  28. Step away from the straighteners and the fake tan. Learn the styles and techniques that work with whatever you were naturally given.

    (This one’s personal to me — if straightening your hair or tanning up for an event boosts your confidence, go for it! I’m just enjoying the journey as I learn to love my natural curls and pale complexion)

  29. Peppermint is the god-tier of herbal teas.

What’s the #1 piece of advice you’d give yourself on your next birthday?


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