Journal Prompts to Embrace Growing Older

Two notebooks, a pen and a candle

It’s my birthday later this week.

For years, I resented having a birthday in February. The New Year motivation is wearing thin, it’s still grey & cold, and people are inclined to stay indoors over gathering for celebrations.

This year, though, I’m challenging myself to see things differently. With my new philosophy that allows a slower start to the year, a late-February birthday seems like the perfect opportunity to take all that energy I’ve saved up over the last seven weeks, and inject it into this turning of the page, ready to embrace the next chapter along with the blooms of Spring.

My journal is the perfect place to manifest this reflection into reality. With that in mind, here are the prompts I’ll be following this week to reflect on the past year and welcome the next, while recognising that aging is a privilege not afforded to everybody. Give them a try when you next birthday rolls around.

  1. Are birthdays important to you? Why, or why not?

  2. How do you feel about this birthday?

  3. Describe your biggest personal achievement since your last birthday.

  4. Describe the event that has shaped you the most since your last birthday.

  5. What do you want to achieve before your next birthday?

  6. Think about how, 5 years ago, you expected your life to look at this age. How does it compare?

  7. What age has been your favourite to experience so far? How can you make this one even better?

  8. Describe your best and/or worst birthday memories.

  9. Who are you most hoping to hear “happy birthday” from this year? With whom would you be the most upset if they forgot? Why?

  10. Write a letter to yourself to open on your next birthday, a year from now.

How are you feeling about your next birthday? Excited, or hesitant?


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